Softball Home Page

Augusta Sports Leagues

Augusta Sports Leagues

Looking to play a friendly (or competitive) game of softball with your friends? Choose our “singles” league to play a single game every week or go for the “doubles” league for weekly double-headers. ASL offers both co-ed and mens’ softball leagues, all of which play in scenic Augusta-area softball fields.

Our softball leagues are the perfect fit whether you’re new to the game or an experienced all-star. We’ll make sure that you’re on a softball team fit for your skill level and that every games is both competitive and fun.

Each ASL softball team has roughly 12 players with 10 players on the field at once. Doubles league players will enjoy 14 regular games throughout the season and singles teams will play seven regular games. 

Softball Registration and Fees:

Register for a Augusta Sports Leagues softball team as a full team or free agent (individual or small group). Free agents are always placed on teams with other free agents -- making it easy for you to meet people and make friends. 

*Check league site for more detailed pricing!!!

Already have a group of friends, and want to join as a team? Determine your team captain and register as a team. A team captain can pay the entire team fee or split it up so that each player on the team can pay his or her portion.  

Softball Leagues Open for Registration: 

Below you will find a list of all upcoming leagues with their current registration status and the schedule for the softball teams currently playing.

To register a team, click on any of the leagues listed below and choose the specific season and sport you wish to participate in.  Free Agent/Individual Registration only available in designated leagues listed below. 


  10 v 10 Coed (ASA modified)

Winter 2025 Coed Softball Mondays

More Info

More Info

10 v 10 Coed | 3 females min | 13 players included in team fee | 7 regular scheduled games and playoffs for EVERY team

All players must be 21 years of age or older. 18-20 with special waiver

--Please review rules number of players allowed to play in Social division who play in Upper divisions.

*ASL reserves the right to combine or schedule cross-divisional games.

Team Fee - 13 paid spots required
Team Payment is for 13 players - Each additional player $32.50

FREE AGENT/Individuals
Free Agents will be placed on a team with other individual players, if possible.

*ASL reserves the right to move league to another location based on availability of gym or final number of teams registered. No refunds will be given if league location is changed.
*Potential dates of play, including but not limited to any cancellations, inclement weather, facility constraints or playoff formats
*ASL reserves the right to schedule makeups and playoffs on days/nights other than regular days/nights.

Start Times:
Mondays - 6:00 - 10:00 pm
*Start times are based on the final number of registered teams

Teams - Responsible for own shirts/jerseys.

Please visit our Rules page for more information.

1.13, 1.20, 1.27, 2.3, 2.10, 2.17, 2.24, 3.3, 3.10, 3.17, 3.24

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  10 v 10 Coed (ASA modified)

Winter 2025 Coed Softball Tuesdays

More Info

More Info

10 v 10 Coed | 3 females min | 13 players included in team fee | 7 regular scheduled games and playoffs for EVERY team

All players must be 21 years of age or older. 18-20 with special waiver

Please review rules number of players allowed to play in Social division who play in Upper divisions.

*ASL reserves the right to combine or schedule cross-divisional games.

Team Fee - 13 paid spots required
Team Payment is for 13 players - Each additional player $32.50

FREE AGENT/Individuals
Free Agents will be placed on a team with other individual players, if possible.

*ASL reserves the right to move league to another location based on availability of gym or final number of teams registered. No refunds will be given if league location is changed.
*Potential dates of play, including but not limited to any cancellations, inclement weather, facility constraints or playoff formats
*ASL reserves the right to schedule makeups and playoffs on days/nights other than regular days/nights.

Start Times:
Mondays - 6:00 - 10:00 pm
*Start times are based on the final number of registered teams

Teams - Responsible for own shirts/jerseys.

Please visit our Rules page for more information.

1.21, 1.28, 2.4, 2.11, 2.18, 2.25, 3.4, 3.11, 3.18, 3.25

6:30 PM, 7:30 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:30 PM