Winter Tues. Coed Softball playoffs canceled due to poor field conditions and rescheduled for next week.

Fall'18 Mens Flag Football Free Play

  • Sport: Flag Football
  • Format: 7v7 Mens Pick Up
  • Locations: Dyess Park
  • Days of the week: Wednesday
  • Started on : Started on Wednesday, September 19
  • Dates: 9.19
  • Times: 6:30 PM

Signup Deadline: Wednesday, September 19

Augusta Sports Leagues will start their Fall 2018 Adult Mens Flag Football league on Sept 26th. We are hosting a free play night for teams and free agents/individuals to come out and play on 9/19/2018. Please share with friends and teammates and we look forward to seeing you there.
-We will take time to share rules with new players and sort people into teams if you aren't already on a team.
If you plan to play the Fall league (not including free play), you must register on our website. Here is the link to register for Fall Season:

    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: 18 and Up