Softball Standings

Summer 2024 Coed Softball Mondays

  Team Wins Losses Draws Point
1   Valley Rats 5 1 0 8 92 84
2   Phoenix2.0 ☀️ 5 1 0 33 133 100
3   Junk Yard Dogs 5 2 0 48 140 92
4   Revenge of the Nerds 3 3 1 16 125 109
5   Underdogs 2 4 0 4 84 80
6   B.A.D 2 5 0 -50 92 142
7   PLB 1 4 0 -29 73 102
8   Balls & Dolls 1 4 1 -30 78 108
How are Standings Calculated?
Teams are seeded according to forfeits, wins to losses, head to head (involving tie of 2 teams only), points differential, points for and points against
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.