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  Coed 10s Open - Rosters up to 13 Players

Winter 2025 Coed Thursday Kickball

  • Locations: Eisenhower Park
  • • Day: Thursday • Started: 1/23
    Deadline: 1/18
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4 females min | 13 players included in team fee
7 regular scheduled games and playoffs for EVERY team
All players must be 21 years of age or older. 18-20 with special wavier

--Team Fee - 13 paid spots required
Additional Player Fee above 13 - $32.50 each
--individual Registration Fee - *Individuals will be placed on an indy team or assigned to an existing team. Remember to list persons that you want to be on the same team under "playing with friends" section of individual registration.

Multiple Augusta Locations
*ASL reserves the right to move league to another location based on availability of gym or final number of teams registered. No refunds will be given if league location is changed.
*ASL reserves the right to move teams to another division based on total number of teams in both divisions.

*Potential dates of play, including but not limited to any cancellations, inclement weather, facility constraints or playoff formats
*ASL reserves the right to schedule makeups and playoffs on days/nights other than regular days/nights.

Start Times:: *Start times are based on the final number of registered teams

Weather: All cancellations will be posted to two (2) outlets: ASL Facebook Page & ASL Twitter

Please visit our Rules page for more information.
Modified Standard Rules plays with Female Pitcher, or alternates Male Female each inning and other rules can be found in rule book.

1.23, 1.30, 2.6, 2.13, 2.20, 2.27, 3.6, 3.13, 3.20

6:30 PM, 7:30 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:30 PM